Utchat AKA Eye of Ra
The word utchat, sometimes spelled udjat, refers to Egypt's sacred eye symbol. The right eye is called the Eye of Ra, symbolizing the sun. The left is called the Eye of Thoth, symbolizing the moon. Both eyes together are the Two Eyes Of Horus The Elder. The eye is the part of the body able to perceive light, and is therefore the symbol for spiritual ability.
The word Utchat itself means to be strong or safe and in the proper context Utchat also means 'amulet of protection'. It was used to repel the forces of evil, disruption, destruction, disorder, etc. in ones life and the world around in general. Note that it means repel, not stop or destroy! This is the basis of Watchers. We are a clan of peace and wisdom, favoring strongly respect and diplomacy over that of the sword. We foster high tolerance levels and a thoughtful outlook on things that we cannot control. We know that we are not omnipotent and do not try to be. Thus we learn from every mistake and take all things as a path to knowledge